MO 8AM - 5PM

Tooth-Smart is Money-Smart!

June 20, 2017 By Dr. Rick Leppo

columbia-logoTime is money and many people can't afford to invest personal time in caring for their smiles or making trips to the dentist when they should be at work. In fact, some people are convinced that paying for dental care is a luxury, not a necessary preventive service.

The reality, however, is that dentistry is all about saving your teeth, time, and money. It all comes down to how you work out your priorities.

Take a look at the following scenarios.

Initial problem: You need a filling that will cost you $150 out-of-pocket. But the tooth doesn't hurt right now, so why bother?

Outcome: You forget about the tooth for the next six months. One night, you wake up at 2 AM with a throbbing toothache. As soon as you get to the dentist's, you find out your options are a root canal or extracting the tooth, both procedures cost far more than a filling. You have to make a decision right now since your health and comfort are at risk but that leaves you unable to save up for either procedure.

What do you wish you had done?

Initial problem: You get constant reminders about scheduling a cleaning. But you don't care about how your teeth look. Besides, it's hard to take a couple hours off from work.

Outcome: A few years of "forgetting" dental cleanings finds you with raging gum disease. Bad breath has affected your relationships with others, receding gums have you panicking, and you learn that you'll need to take several days off from work to properly treat your condition. You may even need some of the teeth extracted.

Which sacrifice would you prefer to have made?

Plan a visit to Columbia Dental Center to find out more ways early dental care will save you hundreds, if not, thousands of dollars on your smile over time.

Posted on behalf of Columbia Dental Center

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Dr. Rick Leppo, Dr. Caroline Connolly and your Columbia Dental Center care team are here for you.