MO 8AM - 5PM

Dental Implants

For the last few decades, dental implants have quickly become the most popular restorative dentistry option for replacing missing teeth, and with good reason. These individual teeth are permanent and look natural, making them an excellent choice. You can eat the foods you love and have a gorgeous smile again, without the inconvenience of dentures. At Columbia Dental Center, we are happy to offer our patients the option of dental implants when they need restorative dentistry.

Dental implants are designed like natural teeth, even though they are prosthetics. A titanium post is inserted into the jaw bone to create a new root for your tooth. This post adheres to the bone making it strong, durable and a permanent part of your mouth. Once the post is secure, a natural-looking dental crown is adhered to the post, creating your new tooth. This can be done for one missing tooth or for several, creating a complete smile where there once were only gaps in your teeth.

Excellence in Implant Dentistry

Dental implants are a wonderful solution to missing teeth, but not all implants are the same. There have been many advancements in dental implants over the years, and you want a dentist that uses the latest options and technology available. Dr. Leppo is dedicated to offering only the best dental care at his practice, including the latest technology for excellence in implant dentistry. Improved imagery and placement techniques can ensure your new implants not only look beautiful, but will last for many years to come.

Dental implants are an investment in your health. They also offer aesthetic and comfort benefits over dentures that our patients appreciate. Come learn more about dental implants and whether they are right for you from an experienced dental implant specialist. Contact Columbia Dental Center today to make your appointment.

We’re Here To Help You

Dr. Rick Leppo, Dr. Caroline Connolly and your Columbia Dental Center care team are here for you.